Departure - 2:00 pm Tuesday, July 10
We're off! |
Tuesday July 10, 2012 – Takeoff
OK, so the morning of our departure wasn't exactly smooth sailing.
We started the day with zero money in our pockets for the trip. But
between 3 trips between Bastrop and Austin, a small fender bender,
and several other frustrating hangups, we made it to the airport just
in time to board our plane with $3,000+. He is always on time.
st stop – Chicago
Made it to our gate in time to grab a bite to eat (chicken and
crunchy veggies between flat-bread, and fruit, yum!) before taking
off on the long stretch to Amman.
nd stop - Amman, Jordan
Wow, rough flight. Tim lost his “airplane curry” on the
landing stretch. If the terrorists use royal Jordanian pilots we
should feel relatively safe, they'll probably crash in a cornfield
somewhere lol. Speaking of terrorists, being in Amman, was quite the
experience. Looking through the mosque-shaped windows we saw that
it's in the middle of the dessert so even the air has an orange haze
from all the sand. Much stranger than the terrain tho was being
surrounded by Muslims. There was even a group of guys prostrating
towards Mecca on the tarmac as we were climbing the steps to board
the plane. Talk about unnerving! I discovered quickly not to look
them in the eye and smile. They will stare back at you, but never
smile. We never even saw them smile at each other. But then, most of
the ladies where completely swathed in black with only their eyes
showing, so maybe their smiles were hidden. Doubt it, glaring eyes do
not usually accompany smiles. Tim whispered to me, “What does it
feel like to be an infidel?” Kinda creepy.
We had a couple hours to wait in the airport, so we found a little
cafe with comfy chairs and rested a little. Tim got this amazing
chocolate cherry frozen yogurt, and I ate a Twixt bar.
Going through security, I started to take off my shoes, but the
security guy, with a horrified expression on his face told me, “No,
no, ladies are special. You must go over there.” He must have been
so relieved to see me slip my shoe back on and go through the door
marked “ladies”. Lol Americans just have no sense of propriety
I also had my first experience with toilets that are only equipped
with hoses. Apparently these are used for cleansing yourself as well
as the toilet seat. It is a little hard to get dry with this system.
I prefer toilet paper.
Another funny thing, when we got to the green sign that marked
gate #3, we were a little confused as to whether we should go through
the open door and down the dingy stairs where the arrow pointed, or
through the glass doors at the other end of room, or wait in the
chairs. We decided to sit and wait. I wish we could have videoed the
looks of consternation on the faces of all the other passengers as
they faced the same confusion as we did. Everyone would walk to the
sign, peer down the stairs, look around, and look confused, shrug
shoulders, take a seat. Lol Maybe it was only hilarious to us
because we were beginning to be very tired by this time.
rd stop – Mumbai, India
Yay, we are finally in India! Wow, everything and everybody smells
like curry lol. Thankfully our flight from Amman was fairly empty so
I had an extra seat to stretch out in, and was able to sleep a
little. It takes me a while to get tired enough to sleep on a plane,
and when I do it's more like a coma brought on by sheer exhaustion
Upon landing in Mumbai, we had to wait in line to go through
immigration, wait in line to get our luggage, wait in line to take
said luggage through customs, wait in line to get tickets and leave
luggage with new airline, wait in line to get on a bus, drive 10
minutes to the other side of the airport, wait in line to go through
again, only to be
told that we were too early. So we had to go back out to the “holding
tank” while we waited for our next flight. It was about 5:00 in the
morning (India time) and our flight wasn't scheduled until 4:30 in
the afternoon.
We spent most of the morning listening
to a Sherlock Holmes audiobook and finishing off the rest of our
granola bars. For lunch I bought a chicken sandwich, some sort of
Indian flauta thing that turned out to be really spicy, and juice.
After another hour of waiting we were able to go back through
security for the 5th and final time. We both passed out for the rest
of the afternoon, and nearly missed our flight. Thankfully we woke up
in time to get on our plane.
Last stop – Coimbatore, India
At last, we made it! All our
luggage made it too! Michele and one of the campus drivers picked us
up for the 30 minute drive to the college.
We arrived about 7:45 pm. Just in time to eat supper with the Cherian
family (they had waited for us).
Arrival - 7:45 pm Thursday, July 12